Basic Grammar And Usage Pdf
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The Verb To Be (The Most Common Linking Verb)Present Tense: I am we are Past Tense: I was we were you are you are you were you were he/she/it is they are he/she/it was they were Frequently Used Prepositionsabout before during of upabove behind except on uponacross below for onto withafter beneath from out withinagainst beside in over withoutalong between inside throughamong by into toaround concerning like towardat down near underHelping Verbs Helping Verbs Sometimes (forms of to have) (forms of to do)can,could has, have, had (forms of to be)may, might, must does, do, did, doneshall, should am, is are, was, were, been Coordinating Conjunctionsand so but or yet nor for (when it means because) Conjunctive Adverbsactually finally in addition meanwhile similarlyalso for example incidentally moreover stillanyway for instance indeed next subsequentlyas a result for this reason in fact nevertheless thenbesides furthermore in short nonetheless thereforeconsequently hence instead on the other hand thusconversely however likewise otherwise Adverb Clause Subordinating Conjunctionsafter though in order that unless whetheralthough because once until whileas before provided that whenas if even if since wheneveras long as even though so that whereas soon as if though whereas
Basic English grammar PDF download the English grammar book for free English grammar PDF free to download. This book English grammar book will help students learn about basic grammar, they will learn about the following. 8 parts of speech, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Although Basic Grammar and Usage is designed for students whose nativelanguage is English, it has been used successfully by students learning English asa second language. In addition to being a classroom text, Basic Grammar andUsage can be used in writing labs and for individual tutoring.
Feel free to download, re-use, or share the following English grammar lessons with your friends, colleagues, or students. To view the following lessons you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. If you already have Adobe Acrobat Reader, simply click on the red icon next to the. Lessons to help you learn grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, spoken English, and more. You can sign up for free e-mail lessons at To learn even faster, check out our e-books and courses focusing on specific areas of English learning. I hope you enjoy this book – if you have any questions.
ic Grammar and Usage Eighth Edition Penelope Choy Los Angeles City College, Emerita Dorothy Goldbart Clark California State University, Northridge Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States
ic Grammar and Usage, Eighth Edition © 2011, 2006, 2002 Wadsworth, Cengage LearningPenelope Choy, Dorothy Goldbart Clark ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or byDevelopment Editor: Cathylnn Richard any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited toDodson photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution,Assistant Editor: Janine Tangney information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, exceptEditorial Assistant: Melanie Opacki as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States CopyrightMarketing Manager: Kirsten Stoller Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher.Marketing Communications Manager:Martha Pfeiffer For product information and technology assistance, contact us atArt Director: Jill Ort Cengage Learning Customer & Sales Support, 1-800-354-9706Print Buyer: Denise PowersPermissions Editor: Margaret For permission to use material from this text or product,Chamberlain-Gaston submit all requests online at Service: Pre-PressPMGCover Designer: Steve Schirra Further permissions questions can be emailed toCompositor: Pre-PressPMG Library of Congress Control Number: 2009941321 ISBN-13: 978-1-4282-1155-1 ISBN-10: 1-4282-1155-1 Wadsworth 20 Channel Center Street Boston, MA 02210 USA Cengage Learning is a leading provider of customized learning solutions with office locations around the globe, including Singapore, the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, and Japan. Locate your local office at: Cengage Learning products are represented in Canada by Nelson Education, Ltd. For your course and learning solutions, visit Purchase any of our products at your local college store or at our preferred online store www.CengageBrain.comPrinted in the United States of America1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 12 11 10 09
CONTENTSPreface to the Eighth Edition viiPreface to the First Edition xiUNIT 1 1Identifying Subjects and VerbsChapter 1 3Sentences with One Subject and One VerbChapter 2 15Multiple Subjects and VerbsChapter 3Distinguishing Between Objects ofPrepositions and Subjects 23Chapter 4 33Main Verbs and Helping VerbsUnit 1 Review 41UNIT 2 43Subject–Verb AgreementChapter 5Recognizing Singular and Plural Subjectsand Verbs 45 iii
ContentsChapter 6 55Indefinite Pronouns as SubjectsChapter 7 63Subjects Understood in a Special SenseChapter 8 69Subjects Joined by ConjunctionsUnit 2 Review 75UNIT 3Identifying and Punctuating the Main Typesof Sentences 77Chapter 9 79Compound SentencesChapter 10 95Complex SentencesChapter 11 107Avoiding Run-On Sentences and Comma SplicesChapter 12 117Correcting FragmentsUnit 3 Review 127UNIT 4 131Punctuation That “Sets Off” or SeparatesChapter 13 133Parenthetical Expressions
Contents vChapter 14 147AppositivesChapter 15 159Restrictive and Nonrestrictive ClausesChapter 16Commas with Introductory Phrases, Series, Dates,and Addresses 175Unit 4 Review 187UNIT 5 191Pronoun UsageChapter 17 193Subject, Object, and Possessive PronounsChapter 18Pronouns in Comparisons and Pronounswith -self, -selves 203Chapter 19 211Agreement of Pronouns with Their AntecedentsChapter 20 221Order of Pronouns and Spelling of PossessivesUnit 5 Review 229
ContentsUNIT 6Capitalization, Additional Punctuation,Placement of Modifiers, Parallel Structure,and Irregular Verbs 231Chapter 21 233CapitalizationChapter 22 241Additional PunctuationChapter 23 251Misplaced and Dangling ModifiersChapter 24 261Parallel StructureChapter 25 273 287Irregular VerbsUnit 6 ReviewUNIT 7 293ParagraphsChapter 26 295Writing Effective ParagraphsAnswers to “A” Exercises 317Index 335
PREFACE TO THE EIGHTH EDITION More than thirty years have passed since Penelope Choy wrote the first edi-tion of Basic Grammar and Usage in 1978. She and Dorothy Clark, who hasbeen a coauthor of this text since the fourth edition, are gratified that instruc-tors continue to use our book. As in previous revisions, the eighth edition includes new exercises for each chap-ter, along with a few of the authors’ favorite exercises from previous editions. At thesuggestion of instructors, Units 3 and 4 now include separate exercises that requirestudents to compose their own sentences, using the structures discussed in eachchapter (for example, compound sentences, parenthetical expressions, or restrictiveand nonrestrictive clauses). In Unit 6, students are also asked to write sentencesusing parallel structure and correctly positioned modifiers. The section on apostro-phes has also been rewritten and expanded. The eighth edition retains the chapter on composing paragraphs that firstappeared in the seventh edition. This chapter, written by Dorothy Clark, hasbeen revised and now includes examples of paragraphs written by her studentsfor users of this book to analyze. This eighth edition of Basic Grammar and Usage preserves the format of theearlier editions. The text contains six grammar units, beginning with the unit onsubject-verb identification, which forms the foundation for the rest of the book.It continues with five other units devoted to specific areas of grammar, such assubject-verb agreement or pronoun usage. Each unit is divided into four or fiveshort chapters to make acquisition of the material easier for the students. Eachchapter includes clear explanations of grammar rules and structures and pro-vides copious examples for each point. Short exercises for each new grammarpoint occur throughout every chapter. At the end of each chapter are two (and in some units, three) exercises.Exercise A covers only the material presented in that chapter. Exercise B reviewsmaterial covered in earlier chapters in that particular unit to ensure that stu-dents remember what they have previously studied and are able to see the rela-tionships among the various chapters. For example, in Chapter 13 studentsbegin by learning what a parenthetical expression is and how to punctuate it. InChapter 14 they are introduced to appositives, which are punctuated in the sameway. Having mastered appositives, the students move on in Chapter 15 to restric-tive and nonrestrictive clauses. This usually challenging topic is made easierbecause the students can now see the adjective clause as an expansion of infor-mation contained in an appositive, and they already know the punctuation rulefor separating words that contain “extra” information from the sentences in vii
Basic Grammar And Usage Pdf Free
i Preface to the Eighth Editionwhich they occur. “C” exercises require students to compose their own sen-tences, such as writing one sentence using who in a restrictive clause and anotherusing who in a nonrestrictive clause. To help in holding the students’ interest, most of the “A” and “B” exercisesare written in narrative form on a wide variety of topics. A comprehensive reviewexercise at the end of each unit tests the students’ knowledge of the entire sequenceof lessons for that unit. All of the exercises are on perforated pages that thestudents can remove from the book. Answers to the “A” exercises are printed inthe appendix so that the students can check their own work. Answers to the “B”exercises appear only in the Instructor’s Manual so that these exercises can beassigned as homework. The Instructor’s Manual is described in more detail below. Except for Unit 1, which involves identifying subjects and verbs in a sen-tence, we have tried to include exercises that emphasize recognizing and correct-ing errors. This emphasis on error correction reflects our belief that a primaryreason for studying grammar and usage is to help students learn to correct errorsin their own writing, and, ultimately, to avoid making these mistakes in thefuture. For this reason, many of the chapters include not just single-sentenceitems for the students to correct but short, multi-paragraph essays that the stu-dents proofread for a particular kind of error. An Instructor’s Manual is available to anyone who adopts this book. Besidesthe answers to the “B” exercises, the manual contains three different sets oftests. Detailed unit tests provide the instructor with ready-to-photocopy examsfor each section of the book. Brief, but comprehensive, diagnostic tests for everyunit in the book can be used to measure how much the students already knowabout grammar at the beginning of the course. Instructors who do not plan tocover the entire book can also use these tests to determine which units their stu-dents need to study. Achievement tests, which are identical in format to thediagnostic tests, measure what the students have learned after completing thecourse and may be used as a final exam. (By “identical in format,” we mean thatitem number one on the diagnostic test for Unit One covers the same grammarrule as item number one on the achievement test. Therefore, the instructor cansee exactly which points of grammar students have learned or failed to learnduring the semester.) These tests are printed on eight and a half by eleven perfo-rated pages for convenient reproduction, and answers for each exam are includedin the manual. We suggest that the diagnostic tests be given at the very begin-ning of the course and that the achievement tests be given at the end. If instruc-tors prefer to prepare their own exams, the tests in the Instructor’s Manual maybe used for extra practice. Although Basic Grammar and Usage was originally designed for students whosenative language is English, it has also been used by students learning English as asecond language. In addition to being a classroom text, Basic Grammar and Usagecan also be used in writing centers and for individual study.
face to the Eighth Edition ix Many people have participated in the preparation of this book. We are par-ticularly grateful to the instructors who reviewed our text and who suggestedrevisions for this edition: Amye Howell, Copiah-Lincoln Community College Shiloh Winsor, Grays Harbor College Dee Robbins, Black Hawk College Mary Beth Spore, Saint Vincent College Kathleen M. Fritsch, Dawson Community College Lawrence Barkley, Mt. San Jacinto College Menifee Valley Campus Dr. Ann Marie Prengaman, Lane Community College Pajer, Gonzaga University Nicole Donald, Copiah-Lincolin Community College Kathryn Henkins, Mt. San Antonio College Ruth Ochoa, Sacramento City College Jane Perry, Norwalk Community College Rolando Jorif, Borough of Manhattan Community College We would also like to thank the following people who oversaw the produc-tion of this book. Serial number for acrobat x pro. Publisher: Lyn Uhl Director of Developmental English: Annie Todd Development Editor: Cathylnn Richard Dodson Associate Editor: Janine Tangney Editorial Assistant: Melanie Opacki Associate Media Editor: Emily Ryan Marketing Manager: Kirsten Stoller Marketing Assistant: Ryan Ahern Image Permissions Acquisitions Manager: Amanda Groszko Text Permissions Manager: Margaret Chamberlain-Gaston Media Project Manager: Ronda Robinson Manufacturing Director: Denise Powers Production Manager: Samantha Ross Miller Production Coordinator: Margaret Bridges Art Director: Jill Ort Product Project Manager: Prashanth Kamavarapu Image Researcher: John Hill Penelope Choy would like to thank the students she encountered during herforty-one years of teaching English and ESL. Their many questions about Englishgrammar inspired her to write the first and subsequent editions of this book. Sheis also grateful to the instructors at Los Angeles City College who used BasicGrammar and Usage during the thirty-two years she taught there. Her stepson,Joel Rothman, who taught her to use a computer many years ago, showed her
reface to the Eighth Editionhow to use a CD for this version. For his constant support in every area of herlife, Penny is grateful to her husband, Gene Rothman, whose patience and goodhumor are especially appreciated when she has writing deadlines to meet. Dorothy Clark would like to thank her husband, Kevin O’Neill, for his con-stant, loving support and creative encouragement; her children, Julia and Ben,for the inspiration they offer; and her students, for the lessons they continue toteach her. Both of us would like to thank the hundreds of instructors and the thou-sands of students who have used Basic Grammar and Usage during the pastfour decades. We know personally the relief students feel when they realize thatEnglish grammar is comprehensible and that it can be studied systematically. Wehope that your students have similarly successful experiences.
PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION Basic Grammar and Usage was originally written for students in a specialadmissions program at the University of California, Los Angeles. As part oftheir participation in the program, the students were enrolled in a compositionand grammar course designed to prepare them for the university’s freshmanEnglish courses. When the program began in 1971, none of the grammar text-books then on the market seemed suitable for the students, whose previousexposure to grammar had been cursory or, in some cases, nonexistent. As thedirector of the program’s English classes, I decided to write a book of my ownthat would cover the most important areas of grammar and usage in a way thatwould be easily understood by my students. The original version of Basic Grammar and Usage received an enthusiasticresponse from the students and was used successfully throughout the three-year duration of the program. After the program ended in 1974, many of theinstructors asked permission to reproduce the book for use in their new teach-ing positions. By the time copies of Basic Grammar and Usage reached HarcourtBrace Jovanovich in 1975, the text had already been used by more than 1,500students in nearly a dozen schools. Basic Grammar and Usage presents material in small segments so that stu-dents can master a particular topic one step at a time. The lessons within eachunit are cumulative. For example, students doing the pronoun exercises for Lesson19 will find that those exercises include a review of the constructions treated inLessons 16 to 18. This approach reinforces the students’ grasp of the material andhelps them develop the skills they need for the writing of compositions. To makethem more interesting to students, the exercises in four of the six units arepresented as short narratives rather than as lists of unrelated sentences. Eachlesson concludes with two exercises, which may be either used in class orassigned as homework. In addition, each unit ends with a composition that thestudents must proofread for errors and then correct to demonstrate mastery ofthe material. Students who have never before studied grammar systematically will find thatworking through the text from beginning to end provides an insight into the basicpatterns of English grammar. As one student commented on an end-of-course evalua-tion, “The most important thing I learned from Basic Grammar and Usage is that ifyou learn what an independent clause is, half of your grammar problems are over.”On the other hand, students who do not need a total review of grammar can concen-trate on the specific areas in which they have weaknesses. To help the instructorevaluate both types of student, the Instructor’s Manual accompanying the text xi
Preface to the First Editionincludes a diagnostic test and a post-test divided into sections corresponding to theunits in the book. There are also separate achievement tests for each unit, as well asanswer keys to the exercises presented in the text. Although Basic Grammar and Usage is designed for students whose nativelanguage is English, it has been used successfully by students learning English asa second language. In addition to being a classroom text, Basic Grammar andUsage can be used in writing labs and for individual tutoring. Many people have shared in the preparation of Basic Grammar and Usage.I wish in particular to thank the instructors and administrators of UCLA’sAcademic Advancement Program, where this book originated. In revising thetext for publication, I have been greatly helped by the suggestions of ReginaSackmary of Queensborough Community College of the City University ofNew York and by Elizabeth Gavin, formerly of California State University,Long Beach, who reviewed the manuscript for me. Sue Houchins of the BlackStudies Center of the Claremont Colleges contributed many ideas and referencematerials for the exercises. An author could not ask for more supportive peopleto work with than the staff of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. I owe a special debtof gratitude to Raoul Savoie, who first brought the UCLA version of the text tothe attention of his company. I also wish to thank Lauren Procton, who wasresponsible for the editing, and Eben W. Ludlow, who has provided guidanceand encouragement throughout all the stages of this book’s development. Penelope Choy
N I TIdentifying Subjects and Verbs
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H A P T E R Sentences with One Subject and One VerbT he most important grammatical skill you can learn is how to identify subjects and verbs. Just as solving arithmetic problems requires that you know the multiplication tables perfectly, solving grammatical problems requires you to identify subjects and verbs with perfect accu- racy. This is not as difficult as it may sound. With practice, recognizing subjects and verbs will become as automatic as knowing that 2 ϩ 2 ϭ 4. Although in conversation people often speak in short word groups that maynot be complete sentences, in writing it is customary to use complete sentences.A complete sentence contains at least one subjectand one verb.A sentence can be thought of as a statement describing an actor performing aparticular action. For example, in the sentence “The dog ran,” the actor or personperforming the action is the dog. What action did the dog perform? He ran. This 3
hapter 1actor–action pattern can be found in most sentences. Can you identify the actorand the action in each of the following sentences? The teacher laughed. The crowd applauded. The actor in a sentence is called the subject. The action word in a sentence iscalled the verb. Together, the subject and the verb form the core of the sentence.Notice that even if extra words are added to the two sentences above, thesubject–verb core in each sentence remains the same. The teacher laughed at the student’s joke. After the performance, the crowd applauded enthusiastically. You can see that to identify subjects and verbs, you must be able to separatethese core words from the rest of the words in the sentence. Here are some suggestions to help you identify verbs. 1. The action words in sentences are verbs. For example, The team played well. This store sells rare books. The doctor recommended vitamins. Underline the verb in each of the following sentences. The bank lends money to small businesses. Gina speaks Italian. The flood destroyed many homes. 2. All forms of the verb “to be” are verbs: am, is, are, was, were, and been. For example, Susan is unhappy. The actor was nervous. Verbs also include words that can be used as substitutes for forms of be,such as seem, feel, become, and appear. These verbs are called linking verbs. Susan seems unhappy. The actor appeared nervous.
Sentence Structure
tences with One Subject and One Verb 5 Underline the verb in each of the following sentences. The children became excited during the birthday party. The professor seemed fatigued today. The actors felt happy with their performances. 3. Verbs are the only words that change their spelling to show tense. Tense is the time—present, past, or future—at which the verb’s action occurs. For example, the sentence “We walk each morning” has a present-tense verb. The sentence “We walked each morning” has a past-tense verb. Underline the verb in each of the following sentences. Grandfather moves today. My brother moved to Chicago last month. Sandra dances very well. Maria danced on her wedding day. I wash my hair every morning. The nurse washed her hands. Identifying verbs will be easier for you if you remember that the followingkinds of words are not verbs. 4. An infinitive—the combination of the word to plus a verb, such as to walk or to study—is not considered part of the verb in a sentence. Read the fol- lowing sentences. He plans to swim later. She wants to enter graduate school. The main verbs in these two sentences are plans and wants. The infinitivesto swim and to enter are not included. Underline the main verb in each of thefollowing sentences. Benjy decided to play his new video games. The conductor promised to check our luggage. 5. Adverbs—words that describe a verb—are not part of the verb. Many commonly used adverbs end in -ly. The adverbs in the following sentences are italicized. Underline the verb in each sentence.
hapter 1 The guitarist played badly. Phillipe rushed quickly to our rescue. The mother patiently helped her children. The words not, never, and very are also adverbs. Like other adverbs, thesewords are not part of the verb. Underline the verb in each of the followingsentences. Do not include adverbs. The dancers are not here yet. He never studies for his tests. The director spoke very carefully. He is not a good mechanic. José never remembers to close the door. Now that you can identify verbs, here are some suggestions to help youidentify subjects. 1. The subject of a sentence is most often a noun. A noun is the name of a per- son, place, or thing, such as Julia, Houston, or pens. A noun may also be the name of an abstract idea, such as sadness or failure. Underline the subject in each of the following sentences once and the verb twice. Remember that the verb is the action, and the subject is the actor. Kevin reads many books each month. The store closes at midnight. Athens hosted the 2004 Summer Olympics. Love conquers all. 2. The subject of a sentence may also be a subject pronoun. A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun, such as she (ϭ Julia), it (ϭ Houston), or they (ϭ pens). The following words are subject pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they Underline the subject in each of the following sentences once and the verb twice. He was elected president of the United States. Each spring they travel to Yosemite National Park. I always drink strong coffee.
tences with One Subject and One Verb 7 We rarely have dinner out on weekdays. You washed the dishes last night. 3. The subject of a sentence may also be a gerund. A gerund is an -ing form of a verb used as a noun. For example, in the sentence “Swimming is an excellent form of exercise,” the subject of the sentence is the gerund swimming. Underline the gerund subjects in the following sentences once and the verbs twice. Listening is difficult for young children. Dieting makes me very hungry. 4. In commands (also known as imperatives), such as “Wash the dishes!”, the subject is understood to be the subject pronoun you even though the word you is almost never included in the command. You is understood to be the subject of the following sentences: Do your homework early. Consider the alternative. Underline the subject in each of the following sentences once and the verbtwice. If the sentence is a command, write the subject you in parentheses at thebeginning of the sentence. Remember to wipe your feet before entering. The judge reviewed the verdict. They bowl every Wednesday. Discuss these issues with your colleagues. Identifying subjects will be easier for you if you remember that the followingkinds of words are not subjects. 5. Adjectives—words that describe a noun—are not part of the subject. For example, in the sentence “The tall boy runs well,” the subject is “boy,” not “tall boy.” In the sentence “A new car is a great joy,” the subject is “car,” not “new car.” Underline the subject in each of the following sentences once and the verb twice. A talented singer performed that song. Chocolate cake is his favorite food.
hapter 1 Small pets delight our family. An angry, bitter debate ended the program. 6. Words that show possession, or ownership, are not part of the subject. Words that show possession include nouns ending in an apostrophe (’) com- bined with s, such as Dina’s or cat’s. They also include possessive pronouns, words that replace nouns showing ownership, such as hers (ϭ Dina’s) or its (ϭ cat’s). Possessive pronouns include the following words: my, your, his, hers, its, our, their Because words that show possession are not part of the subject, in thesentence “My dog has fleas,” the subject is “dog,” not “my dog.” In the sentence“Sarah’s mother is a doctor,” the subject is “mother,” not “Sarah’s mother.”Underline the subject in each of the following sentences once and the verb twice. His daughter became a doctor. My brother works in another city. This beach’s beauty is startling. Harry’s car needs a new battery. Here is a final suggestion to help you identify subjects and verbs accurately.Try to identify the verb in a sentence before you try to identifythe subject.A sentence may have many nouns, any of which could be the subject, but it willusually have only one or two verbs. For example, The director of the play shouted angry words to all the actors and staff.There are five nouns in the above sentence (director, play, words, actors, staff ),any of which might be the subject. However, there is only one verb—shouted.Once you have identified the verb as shouted, all you have to ask yourself is,“Who or what shouted?” The answer is director, which is the subject of thesentence. Identify the subject and verb in the following sentence, remembering to lookfor the verb first. In the winter, our family travels to the mountains for our vacation.
tences with One Subject and One Verb 9 Remember these basic points: 1. The action being performed in a sentence is the verb. 2. The person or thing performing the action is the subject. 3. A sentence consists of an actor performing an action, or, in other words, a subject plus a verb. Every sentence you write will have a subject and a verb, so you must be ableto identify subjects and verbs to write correctly. Therefore, as you do the exer-cises in this unit, apply the rules you have learned in each lesson, and thinkabout what you are doing. Do not make random guesses. Grammar is based onlogic, not on luck. Underline the subject in each of the following sentences once and the verbtwice. Add the subject you in parentheses if the sentence is a command. That man won the contest yesterday. Success makes us happy. The ancient horse slowly pulled the cart. Wisdom is endless. Consider the virtues of discipline. My little sister’s dance recital was lots of fun. A quiet garden is my favorite place to read. Your family’s last vacation sounds very exciting.
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tences with One Subject and One Verb 11 Exercise 1AUnderline the subject of each sentence once and the verb twice. Each sentencehas one subject and one verb. Remember to look for the verb first before you tryto identify the subject. 1. Childhood hunger is a major problem in many parts of the world. 2. Malnutrition kills 6 million children each year – an average of one death every six seconds. 3. Now a new product has the potential to save the lives of many of these children. 4. This product’s name is Plumpynut. 5. Plumpynut contains peanut butter, dry milk, sugar, and extra vitamins and minerals. 6. Plumpynut is very easy to use. 7. It comes in a small foil pouch. 8. To feed their children, mothers simply squeeze the Plumpynut paste into their children’s mouths. 9. Malnourished children often lose interest in food.10. However, they love to eat Plumpynut because of its sweet taste.11. Another advantage of Plumpynut is its low price.12. Feeding a child Plumpynut costs about one dollar per week.13. Sick children quickly recover with Plumpynut.14. Their average weight gain is two pounds per week.
Chapter 115. Medical groups build Plumpynut distribution sites in needy areas.16. Mothers come to these sites once a week to get Plumpynut for their children.17. Medical personnel weigh the children each week.18. They also monitor the children for infections and other diseases.19. Some new patients appear near death from starvation.20. These very ill children go to a hospital at the site.21. They return home after only a few weeks’ treatment with Plumpynut.22. Their mothers continue to feed them Plumpynut at home.23. Plumpynut is also easy to manufacture in small factories.24. Some African and Caribbean nations now produce Plumpynut for their own residents.25. Small factories throughout a nation provide a steady supply of Plumpynut for needy children.26. They also give jobs to a community’s parents.
tences with One Subject and One Verb 13 Exercise 1BUnderline the subject of each sentence once and the verb twice. Each sentencehas one subject and one verb. Remember to look for the verb first before you tryto locate the subject. 1. Many Americans come from other countries. 2. My parents, for example, lived in Russia for many years. 3. They came to America to begin a new life. 4. American culture was different from their original culture. 5. Becoming American was their desire. 6. However, they had a difficult time at the beginning. 7. One difficulty was their language problem. 8. They spoke English poorly. 9. They often felt awkward and self-conscious.10. Some salespeople at the grocery store even laughed at their English pronunciation.11. These experiences hurt my parents’ feelings.12. My mother’s reaction was to stay home as much as possible.13. Then my parents decided to attend school to learn English.14. After a long day at their jobs, they attended evening English classes for immigrants.15. Learning English made them very happy and proud.16. In fact, my mother decided to continue her studies to complete her bachelor’s degree.
Chapter 117. She studied each evening after dinner.18. My father was very proud of my mother’s discipline and dedication to her studies.19. Receiving her bachelor’s degree motivated my mother to continue to study for her teaching credential.20. Today, she teaches English in Los Angeles, California, to high school students from many different countries.
H A P T E RMultiple Subjects and VerbsS ome sentences have more than one subject. Others have more than one verb. Many sentences have more than one subject and more than one verb. The subjects in the following sentences have been labeled with an “S” and the verbs with a “V.”SV VHe swam and fished this summer. S SVThe dog and kitten became good friends.SV SVShe danced well, and the director applauded. SV S VWhen we study hard, we usually do well. 15
Chapter 2 You can identify the pattern of a sentence by indicating how many subjectsand verbs it has. In theory, a sentence can have any number of subjects andverbs, but these are the most common patterns:S–V one subject and one verbS–V–V one subject and two verbsS–S–V two subjects and one verbS–V/S–V two subjects and two verbsUnderline the subjects of the following sentences once and the verbs twice.The parrot squawked loudly.His job started early and ended quite late.Gardening and decorating were Beatrice’s joys.The team won the game, but the captain was not happy. Any group of words that contains at least one subject and one verb is calleda clause. A single sentence may have one clause or more than one clause.S–V one clause The boy ate his pizza slice.S–V–V one clause Sonya danced and sang.S–S–V one clause The judge and the attorneys conferred.S–V/S–V two clauses The dog barked, / and we laughed.S–V–V/S–V two clauses He hiked and fished / when the sun rose. Later in this book we will study the different types of clauses to understandhow they determine punctuation. For now, the important thing is to learn tofind all the subjects and verbs in each sentence. Something to keep in mind when looking for multiple subjects and verbs isthat the length of the sentence won’t necessarily tell you whether the sentencehas one clause or several clauses. Look at these two sentences:She sang, but I danced. (How many clauses?)The anxious, nervous young bride tripped on the stairs. (How many clauses?)The first sentence is short—only five words—but it has two S–V patterns and,therefore, two clauses (she sang, but I danced). The second sentence is more thantwice as long as the first, but it has only one clause (bride . . . tripped). So don’t befooled by the length of the sentence: Some short sentences have multiple subjectsand verbs, and some long sentences have only a single clause (S–V).
tiple Subjects and Verbs 17 The sentences below are skeleton sentences. That is, they are stripped downto only subjects, verbs, and connecting words. Go through them, underliningthe subjects once and the verbs twice. Sarah laughed and joked. Julia and Ben argued and fought. The poet, the artist, and the teacher spoke. After the game ended, we had lunch. Laughter invigorates, and love binds. Because it snowed, we stayed home. When the movie ended, we left. The philosopher and his ideas were exciting. As we watched and waited, the river flooded. If you go, I stay. Janice wrote and revised. As we listened, the storyteller entranced us. He cried while she packed. Watch your spelling! (Did you remember to put You in front?) The practice sentences below have multiple subjects and verbs, but they alsoinclude the other types of words you studied in Chapter 1. Before you try them,review that chapter quickly to remind yourself about adverbs and infinitives,which are never part of the verb, and about adjectives and possessives, whichare not part of the subject. Underline verbs twice and subjects once. My uncles and aunts contribute to our family. The long road seemed to run on for miles and miles. Duane, José, and Clarence always loved to play soccer. The gymnastic tournament finally ended, and the players went home. After the spring semester ended, we partied a lot. The terribly boring professor lectured monotonously to his class of students. The boy’s mother and father decided to send him to space camp. The jury’s verdict gladdened and relieved us. The story’s ending surprised us, but we still liked it. Our new, fancy, expensive car has a CD player and a sun roof. Keep off the grass, and don’t pick the flowers!
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tiple Subjects and Verbs 19 Exercise 2AUnderline the subjects of the following sentences once and the verbs twice.Remember not to include infinitives as part of the verb. To help you, the patternof each sentence is indicated in parentheses. 1. This story is an old Korean folktale. (S–V) 2. It seems especially humorous to Koreans because in the past Korean women supposedly obeyed their husbands. (S–V/S–V) 3. A small town in Korea once had a very good mayor. (S–V) 4. The mayor did his job well, and everyone respected him. (S–V/S–V) 5. Unfortunately, this good man had one serious problem. (S–V) 6. He was a henpecked husband. (S–V) 7. His wife constantly nagged and scolded him. (S–V–V) 8. Whenever he was at home, he never had a moment’s peace. (S–V/S–V) 9. One day the mayor decided to find a solution for his problem. (S–V)10. He called a meeting of all the married men in his town. (S–V)11. The men came to the town hall and seated themselves inside. (S–V–V)12. First, the mayor separated the henpecked husbands from the rest of the men. (S–V)13. He told the henpecked husbands to move to the right side of the room while the other men went to the left side. (S–V/S–V)14. Ninety-nine men moved to the right side of the room, and only one man moved to the left. (S–V/S–V)
Chapter 215. The mayor and the ninety-nine other henpecked husbands stared at the one man on the left side of the room. (S–S–V)16. If he really had a peaceful home life, they wanted to learn his secret. (S–V/S–V)17. The man seemed nervous, but he finally spoke. (S–V/S–V)18. “I know nothing about the purpose of this meeting because I came in late.” (S–V/S–V)19. “I sat on the left side of the room only because my wife always tells me to stay away from crowds.” (S–V/S–V)
tiple Subjects and Verbs 21 Exercise 2BUnderline the subjects of the following sentences once and the verbs twice. Somesentences may have more than one subject, more than one verb, or both. 1. We all want a happy life, but happiness is tricky to achieve. 2. Many books discuss the topic of happiness and analyze its meaning. 3. For some writers, happiness lies deep within us, and we need to examine ourselves to discover it. 4. These books and articles suggest activities like yoga and meditation to help us find inner happiness. 5. If happiness comes from something inside of us, we need to “work on ourselves” to become happy. 6. In contrast, some social scientists provide a different explanation for personal happiness. 7. In their opinion, external factors cause us to be happy. 8. These factors include our living conditions and our social interactions. 9. Researchers measure happiness levels for different countries.10. Psychologists at the University of Leicester in Britain created the world’s first map of happiness.11. Some nations are better at producing happy people than others.12. For example, the people of Denmark are very happy, but the citizens of Moldavia tend to be gloomy.13. Although countries in Latin America are not rich, they are among the happiest places in the world.
Chapter 214. The key to their happiness lies in their close family ties.15. Strong family relationships support people in times of trouble and give them opportunities to enjoy being together in happy times.16. People vary tremendously from country to country in relating to one another.17. It is difficult for some Americans to maintain close family ties because Americans often move away from their hometowns.18. Each year, about 40 million Americans move to a new city or state.19. They hope to become happier by changing external factors in their lives, like their homes and their jobs.20. To some psychologists, putting too much emphasis on being happy is self- defeating.21. To these experts, happiness comes naturally if people live productive lives.22. They compare life to a journey and think of happiness as a by-product of everyday experiences.23. They often quote a familiar proverb.24. “Happiness is not a destination but a manner of traveling.”
H A P T E R Distinguishing Between Objects of Prepositions and SubjectsO ne of the most common causes of errors in identifying the subject of a sentence is confusing it with a noun used as the object of a preposition. This kind of error can also lead to mistakes in subject–verb agreement. (Subject–verb agreement is covered in Unit 2 of this book.) To avoid making this type of mistake, youfirst must learn to recognize prepositions and prepositional phrases. Prepositions are the short words in our language that show the position orrelationship between one word and another. For example, if you were trying todescribe where a particular store was located, you might say: The store is on the right. The store is near the highway. The store is by the bank. 23
Chapter 3The store is under the elm tree.The store is behind the garage.The italicized words are all prepositions. They indicate the position of the storein relation to the right, the freeway, the bank, the elm tree, and the garage. Here is a list of the most common prepositions. You do not have to memorizethese words, but you must be able to recognize them as prepositions when yousee them.about between ofabove beyond onacross by ontoafter concerning outagainst down overalong during throughamid except toamong for towardaround from underat in upbefore inside uponbehind into withbelow like withinbeneath near withoutbeside As you can see from the example sentences describing the location of thestore, prepositions are not used by themselves; they are always placed in front ofa noun or a pronoun. The noun or pronoun following the preposition is calledthe object of the preposition. The group of words containing the prepositionand its object is called a prepositional phrase. Any words, such as adjectives orthe words a, an, or the, that come between the preposition and its object are alsopart of the prepositional phrase. Read the following sentences, in which theprepositional phrases are italicized. Notice that each prepositional phrase beginswith a preposition and ends with a noun or a pronoun.I leaned against the car.He walked toward the nearest exit.
tinguishing Between Objects of Prepositions and Subjects 25 The glass of orange juice costs fifty cents. She stood beside me. Some prepositional phrases may have more than one object. You may sit near Jane or Susan. You may have some of the bread or waffles. It is also possible to have two or more prepositional phrases in a row. We looked for the clues in the forest. The director of that movie at the local theater is sitting by us. Circle the prepositional phrases in the following sentences. Some sentencesmay have more than one prepositional phrase. The policeman looked carefully around the room. The keys to the car are in the glove compartment. I gave your recipe to my next-door neighbor. Ruth came to the party with me. Construct sentences of your own containing prepositional phrases. Use theprepositions listed below. Make certain that each of your sentences contains atleast one subject and one verb. with: ______________________________________________________________ through: ___________________________________________________________ by: ______________________________________________________________ of: ________________________________________________________________ at: _______________________________________________________________ The words before and after may be used either as prepositions or asconjunctions (see below). If the word is being used as a preposition, it will befollowed by a noun or pronoun object. If the word is being used as a conjunction,it will be followed by both a subject and a verb.
Chapter 3As a Preposition As a ConjunctionI go to bed before midnight. Before you leave the house, be sure to lock the door.Bob entered the room after me. After the bell rang, the students left the room. What do prepositional phrases have to do with identifying subjects andverbs? The answer is simple.Any word that is part of a prepositional phrase cannot be thesubject or the verb of a sentence.This rule works for two reasons: 1. Any noun or pronoun in a prepositional phrase must be the object of the preposition, and the object of a preposition cannot also be a subject. 2. Prepositional phrases never contain verbs. To see how this rule can help you identify subjects and verbs, read thefollowing seventeen-word sentence: At the height of the rush hour, my car stalled in the middle of a busy intersection. If you want to find the subject and the verb of this sentence, you know thatthey will not be part of any of the sentence’s prepositional phrases. So, cross outall the prepositional phrases in the sentence. At the height of the rush hour, my car stalled in the middle of a busy intersection. You now have only three words left out of the original seventeen, and youknow that the subject and the verb must be within these three words. What arethe subject and the verb? Read the following sentence, and cross out all of its prepositional phrases. In the evening she works on her assignments for the next day.If you crossed out all the prepositional phrases, you should be left with only twowords—the subject she and the verb works.
tinguishing Between Objects of Prepositions and Subjects 27 Identify the subject and the verb in the following sentence. Cross out theprepositional phrases first. On the way to their hotel, a group of tourists stopped at a souvenir shop.If you have identified all of the prepositional phrases, you should be left withonly three words—a group and stopped. Which word is the subject, and whichis the verb? Now you can see another reason why it is important to be able to identifyprepositional phrases. It might seem logical for the subject of the sentence to betourists. However, because of tourists is a prepositional phrase, tourists cannotbe the subject. Instead, the subject is group. What is the subject of the following sentence? Many members of Congress are lawyers.If you crossed out the prepositional phrase of Congress, you would know thatthe subject is members, not Congress. Underline the subjects of the following sentences once and the verbs twice.Remember to cross out the prepositional phrases first. During the oil shortage, the price of gas increased. The car with the dented fender belongs to Carolyn. A house in Beverly Hills with three bedrooms and two bathrooms sells for more than $800,000. The stores in the mall open at ten in the morning. The driver of the red Corvette skidded into the center lane. One of the employees received a $50 raise. Your clothes from the dry cleaner are in the closet.
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tinguishing Between Objects of Prepositions and Subjects 29 Exercise 3AUnderline the subjects of the following sentences once and the verbs twice. Somesentences may have more than one subject and/or more than one verb. Rememberto cross out the prepositional phrases first. 1. A cave in Altamira, Spain, contains some of the world’s finest Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) paintings. 2. The twelve-year-old daughter of a Spanish archaeologist discovered these paintings by accident in 1879. 3. The girl’s name was Maria Sautuola. 4. While her father searched the floor of the cave for animal bones and stone tools, Maria wandered to another part of the cave. 5. In this part of the cave, she noticed pictures of many different kinds of animals. 6. Maria was the first person to see these paintings in more than 15,000 years. 7. Altamira became the first of many discoveries of prehistoric cave paintings in Spain and France. 8. Drawings of bison, boars, and deer in red, brown, black, and yellow pigments cover the walls and ceiling of the cave. 9. The handprints of the artists also appear on the walls.10. In some places, the artists painted over curves and projections in the cave wall.11. The shape of the animals follows the contours of the stone.12. Using this technique gives the animals an amazingly three-dimensional, lifelike quality.13. Historians sometimes call Altamira “the Sistine Chapel of the Ice Age” because of the beauty of its art.
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Chapter 314. Unfortunately, the Spanish government had to close the Altamira cave to the general public in the 1970s.15. Warmth from the bodies of thousands of visitors, along with the heat from electric lamps, allowed a fungus to grow in the cave.16. This fungus threatened to destroy the paintings.17. Of course, visitors still wanted to see the Altamira paintings.18. The government’s solution was to build a replica of the cave and its paintings near the original cave.19. This replica allows visitors to appreciate the artistry of the ancient painters without damage to the original art.20. If you have a chance to travel in Spain, try to include a visit to Altamira.
tinguishing Between Objects of Prepositions and Subjects 31 Exercise 3BUnderline the subject of each sentence once and the verb twice. Some sentencesmay have more than one subject, more than one verb, or both. Remember tocross out prepositional phrases first. 1. One of the most important inventions of all time is the computer. 2. The story of modern computers begins during the 1930s and spans many decades and countries. 3. In 1937, John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry designed the first electronic digital computer. 4. During World War II, a computer helped the Allies to win the war. 5. The name of the computer was the Colossus, and British intelligence agents used it to decipher German codes. 6. In 1946, two American scientists completed work on the first large-scale general-purpose digital computer. 7. With its 18,000 vacuum tubes, this computer used an enormous amount of electricity. 8. When scientists first turned the computer on in Philadelphia, the lights dimmed in an entire section of the city. 9. The history of the computer is really the story of gradual increases in technology.10. The invention of the transistor in 1947 enabled later computers to use less electrical energy.11. The American public’s awareness of computers increased during the presidential election of 1950.
Chapter 312. To the amazement of everyone, the new UNIVAC computer correctly predicted Eisenhower’s victory after analyzing only 5 percent of the popular vote.13. In 1958, the invention of the integrated circuit laid the foundation for high- speed computers with large-capacity memories.14. Until the 1980s, people used computers mainly in offices and factories.15. Then, in 1981, IBM marketed its first “personal computer,” or PC.16. The introduction of the new PCs made computers available for everyone.17. Later in the 1980s, the genius of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak placed Apple computers in schools and colleges all over the country.18. The presence of computers in classrooms created a whole new generation of computer users.19. In 1982, instead of Time magazine’s usual “person of the year,” the computer became the “Machine of the Year.”20. In the later 1980s, the introduction of laptop computers made it possible for people to use their computers anywhere.21. Even the writing of Basic Grammar and Usage reflects the influence of the computer.22. The authors wrote early editions of the book on electric typewriters and cut and pasted sections of the manuscript together.23. When they finished the manuscript, they mailed all the typed pages to their publisher.24. Now the authors use their laptop computers to write their book, and they send their manuscript to the publisher on a CD.
H A P T E RMain Verbs and Helping VerbsV erbs can be either main verbs or helping (also called auxiliary) verbs. Main verbs are the kind of verb you have already studied. Main verbs tell what action is being performed in a sentence. For example,I drive to work each day.This restaurant serves Mexican food. Helping verbs are used in combination with main verbs. They perform twomajor functions:1. Helping verbs indicate shades of meaning that cannot be expressed by a main verb alone. Consider the differences in meaning in the following sentences, in which the helping verbs have been italicized.I may marry you soon. I must marry you soon.I should marry you soon. I can marry you soon. 33
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Chapter 4 As you can see, changing the helping verb changes the meaning of the entiresentence. These differences in meaning could not be expressed simply by usingthe main verb, marry, alone. 2. Helping verbs also show tense—the time at which the action of the verb takes place. Notice how changing the helping verb in the following sentences helps change the tense of the main verb visit. (Both the helping verbs and the main verbs have been italicized.) He is visiting New York. He will visit New York. He has visited New York. Notice the position that helping verbs have in a sentence. They always comebefore the main verb, although sometimes another word, such as an adverb,may come between the helping verb and the main verb. The team can win the game. The team can probably win the game. You should stay in bed today. You should definitely stay in bed today. If a question contains a helping verb, the helping verb still comes before themain verb. Can the team win the game? Should you stay in bed today? Does the car run well? When is the plane departing? The following words are helping verbs. Memorize them. can, could may, might, must shall, should will, would The following words can be used either as helping verbs or as main verbs.They are helping verbs if they are used in combination with a main verb. Theyare main verbs if they occur alone. Memorize them.
Main Verbs and Helping Verbs 35has, have, had (forms of the verb have)does, do, did, done (forms of the verb do)am, is, are, was, were, been (forms of the verb be)As Main Verbs As Helping VerbsHe has my book. He has gone home.She did a headstand. She did not arrive on time.We are hungry. We are eating soon. From now on, whenever you are asked to identify the verbs in a sentence,include all the main verbs and all the helping verbs. For example, in the sentence“We should review this lesson,” the complete verb is “should review.” In thesentence “He has lost his wallet,” the verb is “has lost.” Underline the completeverbs in the following sentences.Gail must borrow some money.I may go to Hawaii this summer.Sheila can speak German fluently.We are leaving soon.Some sentences may contain more than one helping helping verb The mechanic is working on your car.two helping verbs He must have lost your phone number.three helping verbs That bill should have been paid by now. Underline the subjects of the following sentences once and the completeverbs twice.You could have sold your car for a better price.The weather will be getting warmer soon.You have not been listening to me.Do you have a part-time job?You should have gone to the dentist last week.My cousin may be visiting me this summer.
Chapter 4 Remember this rule:The verbs in a sentence include all the main verbs plus all thehelping verbs.