Microsoft Hindi Fonts
Are you looking for good fonts for Hindi typing practice? Then today I’ll walk you through how to install Hindi font in Windows for free. Windows 10 is a latest product of Microsoft that subjects to a. Do you want to install Hindi fonts in MS Word? There may be times when you want to write something in Hindi using Word but didn’t to how to do it. Don’t worry friends, in this article, we are providing you a simple and easy method to install Hindi fonts and use them in your Microsoft Word Document. TrueType fonts and OpenType fonts are outline fonts that are rendered from line commands and from curve commands. OpenType is an extension of TrueType. Both TrueType fonts and OpenType fonts can be scaled and rotated. TrueType fonts and OpenType fonts look good in all sizes and on all output devices that are supported by Microsoft Windows.
Microsoft Hindi Fonts Pdf
This is a list of typefaces shipped with Windows 3.1x through Windows 10.[1][2][3][4][5][6] Typefaces only shipped with Microsoft Office or other Microsoft applications are not included. The 'First Windows version' column indicates the first edition of Windows in which the font was included.
This list may be incomplete. Microsoft maintains an up-to-date list of fonts pre-installed or bundled with Microsoft products at its Microsoft Typography site.[7]
Typeface | Weights | Target script | First Windows version | Example image |
Abadi MT Condensed Light | Regular | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 | |
Aharoni | Bold | Hebrew | 7 | |
Aldhabi | Regular | Arabic | 8 | |
Andalus | Regular | Arabic | ||
Angsana New | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Thai | ||
AngsanaUPC | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Thai | ||
Aparajita | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Devanagari | 7 | |
Arabic Typesetting | Regular | Arabic | ||
Arial | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew | 3.1 | |
Arial Black | Black, Black Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew | 98 | |
Arial Nova | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, Light, Light Italic, Condensed, Condensed Bold, Condensed Bold Italic, Condensed Italic, Condensed Light, Condensed Light Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 10 | |
Bahnschrift | Light, Semlight, Regular, Semibold, Bold; intermediate weights (variable font) | Latin | 10 (v1709) | |
Batang | Regular | Korean | XP | |
BatangChe | Regular | Korean | ||
Book Antiqua | Regular | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 | |
Browallia New | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Thai | ||
BrowalliaUPC | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Thai | ||
Calibri | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Vietnamese (Windows 8), Arabic (Windows 10), Armenian (Windows 10) | Vista | |
Calibri Light | Regular, Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Vietnamese | 8 | |
Calisto MT | Regular | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 | |
Cambria | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista | |
Cambria Math | Regular | Math | Vista | |
Candara | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista | |
Century Gothic | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 | |
Comic Sans MS | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 95 | |
Consolas | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista | |
Constantia | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista | |
Copperplate Gothic Bold | Regular | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 | |
Copperplate Gothic Light | Regular | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 | |
Corbel | Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista | |
Cordia New | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Thai | ||
CordiaUPC | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Thai | ||
Courier New | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew | 3.1 | |
DaunPenh | Regular | Khmer | Vista | |
David | Regular, Bold | Hebrew | ||
Dengxian | Regular, Bold, Light | Simplified Chinese | 10 | |
DFKai-SB | Regular | Traditional Chinese | ||
DilleniaUPC | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Thai | ||
DokChampa | Regular | Lao | ||
Dotum | Regular | Korean | ||
DotumChe | Regular | Korean | ||
Ebrima | Regular, Bold | N'Ko, Tifinagh, Vai | 7 | |
Estrangelo Edessa | Regular | Syriac | ||
EucrosiaUPC | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Thai | ||
Euphemia | Regular | Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics | ||
FangSong | Monospaced | Simplified Chinese | ||
Franklin Gothic Medium | Regular, Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 7 | |
FrankRuehl | Regular | Hebrew | ||
FreesiaUPC | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Thai | ||
Gabriola | Regular | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 7 | |
Gadugi | Regular, Bold | Cherokee, Unified Canadian Aboriginal syllabics | 8 | |
Gautami | Regular, Bold | Telugu | XP | |
Georgia | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 2000 | |
Georgia Pro | Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Light, Light Italic, SemiBold, SemiBold Italic, Black, Black Italic, Cond, Cond Italic, Cond Bold, Cond Bold Italic, Cond Light, Cond Light Italic, Cond SemiBold, Cond SemiBold Italic, Cond Black, Cond Black Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 10 | |
Gill Sans Nova | Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Light Italic, Light, Ultra Bold, Cond, Cond Italic, Cond Bold, Cond Bold Italic, Cond Lt, Cond Lt Italic, Cond XBd, Cond XBd Italic, Cond Ultra Bold | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 10 | |
Gisha | Regular, Bold | Hebrew | ||
Gulim | Regular | Korean | ||
GulimChe | Regular | Korean | ||
Gungsuh | Regular | Korean | ||
GungsuhChe | Regular | Korean | ||
Impact | Regular | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 | |
IrisUPC | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Thai | ||
Iskoola Pota | Regular, Bold | Sinhala | ||
JasmineUPC | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Thai | ||
Javanese Text | Regular | Javanese | 8.1 | |
KaiTi | Regular | Simplified Chinese | 7 | |
Kalinga | Regular, Bold | Oriya | ||
Kartika | Regular, Bold | Malayalam | ||
Khmer UI | Regular, Bold | Khmer | ||
KodchiangUPC | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Thai | ||
Kokila | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Devanagari | 7 | |
Lao UI | Regular, Bold | Lao | 7 | |
Latha | Regular, Bold | Tamil | XP | |
Leelawadee | Regular, Bold | Thai | ||
Leelawadee UI | Regular, Bold, Semilight, | Buginese, Thai, Javanese, Khmer, Lao | 8.1 | |
Levenim MT | Regular, Bold | Hebrew | ||
LilyUPC | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Thai | ||
Lucida Console | Regular | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 | |
Lucida Handwriting | Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 | |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Regular | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew | 98 | |
Malgun Gothic | Regular, Bold | Korean (no Hanja before Windows 8) | Vista | |
Mangal | Regular, Bold | Devanagari | ||
Marlett | Regular | Windows Interface | 95 | |
Meiryo | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Japanese | Vista | |
Meiryo UI | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Japanese | 7 | |
Microsoft Himalaya | Regular | Tibetan | Vista | |
Microsoft JhengHei | Regular, Bold | Traditional Chinese | Vista | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI | Regular, Bold | Traditional Chinese | 8 | |
Microsoft New Tai Lue | Regular, Bold | New Tai Lue | 7 | |
Microsoft PhagsPa | Regular, Bold | 'Phags-pa | 7 | |
Microsoft Sans Serif | Regular | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai | 1.0 | |
Microsoft Tai Le | Regular, Bold | Tai Le | 7 | |
Microsoft Uighur | Regular, Bold | Uighur | ||
Microsoft YaHei | Regular, Bold | Simplified Chinese | Vista | |
Microsoft YaHei UI | Regular, Bold | Simplified Chinese | 8 | |
Microsoft Yi Baiti | Regular | Yi | ||
MingLiU, PMingLiU | Monospaced, Proportional | Traditional Chinese | ||
MingLiU-ExtB, PMingLiU-ExtB | Monospaced, Proportional | Traditional Chinese | ||
MingLiU_HKSCS | Monospaced | Cantonese | ||
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB | Monospaced | Cantonese | ||
Miriam, Miriam Fixed | Monospaced, Proportional | Hebrew | ||
Mongolian Baiti | Regular | Mongolian, Manchu, Xibo | Vista | |
MoolBoran | Regular | Khmer | ||
MS Gothic, MS PGothic | Monospaced, Proportional | Japanese | ||
MS Mincho, MS PMincho | Monospaced, Proportional | Japanese | ||
MS UI Gothic | Proportional | Japanese | ||
MV Boli | Regular | Thaana | ||
Myanmar Text | Regular | Myanmar | 8 | |
Narkisim | Regular | Hebrew | ||
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro | Roman, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic | Latin | 10 | |
News Gothic MT | Regular | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 | |
Nirmala UI | Regular, Bold | Devanagari, Bengali, Gurmukhi, Gujarati, Oriya, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Sinhala | 8 | |
NSimSun | Monospaced | Simplified Chinese | ||
Nyala | Regular | Ethiopic | Vista | |
Palatino Linotype | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 2000 | |
Plantagenet Cherokee | Regular | Cherokee | ||
Raavi | Regular, Bold | Gurmukhi | XP | |
Rockwell Nova | Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Light, Light Italic, Extra Bold, Extra Bold Italic, Condensed, Condensed Italic, Condensed Bold, Condensed Bold Italic, Condensed Light, Condensed Light Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 10 | |
Rod | Regular | Hebrew | ||
Sakkal Majalla | Regular, Bold | Arabic | 7 | |
Sanskrit Text | Regular | Devanagari | 10 | |
Segoe MDL2 Assets | Regular | Iconography | 10 | |
Segoe Print | Regular, Bold | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista | |
Segoe Script | Regular, Bold | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista | |
Segoe UI v5.00[3] | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic | Vista | Segoe UI v5.00/5.01 (top) and v5.27/5.35 (bottom) |
Segoe UI v5.01[4] | Light, Semibold, plus previous faces | 7 | ||
Segoe UI v5.27[5] | Light Italic, Semibold Italic, Semilight, Semilight Italic, plus previous faces | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic | 8 | |
Segoe UI v5.35 | Black, Black Italic, plus previous faces | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Armenian, Georgian, Hebrew, Lisu | 8.1 | |
Segoe UI Emoji | Regular | Emoji, emoticons and symbols | 8.1 | |
Segoe UI Historic[6] | Regular | Brahmi, Carian, Coptic,[a]Cypriot, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Glagolitic,[a]Gothic,[a]Imperial Aramaic, Inscriptional Pahlavi, Inscriptional Parthian, Kharoshthi, Lycian, Lydian, Meroitic Cursive,[a]Phoenician, Ogham,[a]Old Italic,[a]Old Persian Cuneiform, Old South Arabian, Orkhon,[a]Runic,[a]Shavian, Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform, Ugaritic Cuneiform | 10 | |
Segoe UI Symbol | Regular | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 7 | |
Shonar Bangla | Regular, Bold | Bengali | 7 | |
Shruti | Regular, Bold | Gujarati | XP | |
SimHei | Monospaced | Simplified Chinese | ||
SimKai | Monospaced | Simplified Chinese | ||
Simplified Arabic | Regular, Bold, Monospaced | Arabic | ||
SimSun | Proportional | Simplified Chinese | ||
SimSun-ExtB | Monospaced | Simplified Chinese | ||
Sitka Banner | Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 8.1 | |
Sitka Display | Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 8.1 | |
Sitka Heading | Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 8.1 | |
Sitka Small | Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 8.1 | |
Sitka Subheading | Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 8.1 | |
Sitka Text | Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 8.1 | |
Sylfaen | Regular | Armenian, Georgian | ||
Symbol | Regular | 3.1 | ||
Tahoma | Regular, Bold | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai | 95 | |
Times New Roman | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew, Armenian | 3.1 | |
Traditional Arabic | Regular, Bold | Arabic | 2000 | |
Trebuchet MS | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 2000 | |
Tunga | Regular, Bold | Kannada | XP | |
UD Digi KyoKasho N-R | Regular, Bold | Japanese | 10 | |
UD Digi KyoKasho NK-R | Regular, Bold | Japanese | 10 | |
UD Digi KyoKasho NP-R | Regular, Bold | Japanese | 10 | |
Urdu Typesetting | Regular | Arabic | ||
Utsaah | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Devanagari | ||
Vani | Regular, Bold | Telugu | ||
Verdana | Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 95 | |
Verdana Pro | Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Light, Light Italic, SemiBold, SemiBold Italic, Black, Black Italic, Cond, Cond Italic, Cond Bold, Cond Bold Italic, Cond Light, Cond Light Italic, Cond SemiBold, Cond SemiBold Italic, Cond Black, Cond Black Italic | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 10 | |
Vijaya | Regular, Bold | Tamil | ||
Vrinda | Regular, Bold | Bengali | XP | |
Webdings | Regular | 98 | ||
Westminster | Regular | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 | |
Wingdings | Regular | 3.1 | ||
Yu Gothic | Regular, Bold, Light, Medium | Japanese | 8.1 | |
Yu Gothic UI | Regular, Bold, Light, Semilight, Semibold | Japanese | 8.1 | |
Yu Mincho | Regular, Demibold, Light | Japanese | 8.1 |
List of Installed Typefaces in Windows 10 (N. America)[edit]
Microsoft Hindi Fonts 2017
The following are the typefaces installed with U.S. and Canadian editions of Windows 10 as of March, 2018, as determined by doing a clean installation of Windows 10. This list only includes the typeface name and does not list each font in the family (bold, italic, etc.). In total, 93 typefaces are installed.
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AlternateGothic2 BT | Marlett | Segoe UI |
Arial | Microsoft Himalaya | Segoe UI Black |
Arial Black | Microsoft JhengHei | Segoe UI Emoji |
Bahnschrift | Microsoft JhengHei Light | Segoe UI Historic |
Bahnschrift Light | Microsoft JhengHei UI | Segoe UI Light |
Bahnschrift SemiBold | Microsoft JhengHei UI Light | Segoe UI Semibold |
Bahnschrift SemiLight | Microsoft New Tai Lue | Segoe UI Semilight |
Calibri | Microsoft PhagsPa | Segoe UI Symbol |
Calibri Light | Microsoft Sans Serif | SimSun |
Cambria | Microsoft Tai Le | SimSun-ExtB |
Cambria Math | Microsoft YaHei | Sitka Banner |
Candara | Microsoft YaHei Light | Sitka Display |
Comic Sans MS | Microsoft YaHei UI | Sitka Heading |
Consolas | Microsoft YaHei UI Light | Sitka Small |
Constantia | Microsoft Yi Baiti | Sitka Subheading |
Corbel | MingLiU-ExtB | Sitka Text |
Courier New | MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB | Sylfaen |
Ebrima | Mongolian Baiti | Symbol |
Franklin Gothic Medium | MS Gothic | Tahoma |
Gabriola | MS PGothic | Times New Roman |
Gadugi | MS UI Gothic | Trebuchet MS |
Georgia | MV Boli | Verdana |
HoloLens MDL2 Assets | Myanmar Text | Webdings |
Impact | Nirmala UI | Wingdings |
Javanese Text | Nirmala UI Semilight | Yu Gothic |
Leelawadee UI | NSimSun | Yu Gothic Light |
Leelawadee UI Semilight | Palatino Linotype | Yu Gothic Medium |
Lucida Console | PMingLiU-ExtB | Yu Gothic UI |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Segoe MDL2 Assets | Yu Gothic UI Light |
Malgun Gothic | Segoe Print | Yu Gothic UI Semibold |
Malgun Gothic Semilight | Segoe Script | Yu Gothic UI Semilight |
Download Hindi Font For Pc
See also[edit]
- ^ abcdefghCovered by Segoe UI Symbol prior to Windows 10
- ^Kaplan, Michael S. (6 February 2007). 'What are the fonts in Vista?'. Sorting it all Out V. 2!. Archived from the original on 25 June 2014.
- ^Martinez Perez, Alberto (18 May 2008). 'Fonts included with each version of Windows'.
- ^ ab'Fonts supplied with Windows Vista'. Typography. Microsoft. Retrieved 21 October 2013.
- ^ ab'Fonts supplied with Windows 7'. Typography. Microsoft. Retrieved 21 October 2013.
- ^ ab'Fonts supplied with Windows 8'. Typography. Microsoft. Retrieved 21 October 2013.
- ^ ab'Script and Font Support in Windows'. Microsoft. Retrieved 8 May 2015.
- ^'Microsoft Typography – Typography'. Retrieved 23 April 2019.