Scratch Space Invaders Game

This step by step tutorial will demonstrate how to re-create “Space Invader” using the online version of Scratch.

  1. Space Invaders Game Online
  2. Scratch Space Invaders Game Online
  3. Scratch Game Tutorial Space Invaders
  4. Space Invaders
  5. Space Invaders On Scratch Tutorial
  6. Space Invaders Game

More importantly, we laid the groundwork for sprite animations. For this simple space invaders game, we assume a fixed clock which we set by turning V-sync on. This allows us to do sprite animation in game cycles instead of real time. The only thing that is left before making the game playable, is the processing of user input. Jun 25, 2019  This step by step tutorial will demonstrate how to re-create 'Space Invader' using the online version of Scratch. Setting up the stage Start a new project in Scratch and change the stage backdrop to the backdrop called 'Stars'. The original Space Invaders was released in 1978. Making a similar game on Scratch 2.0 is easy. The video is going to show you how to control the spaceship through the keyboard, and create new invaders. If you want copies of the graphics I made, download them from my project, Xur.

The original Space Invaders was released in 1978. Making a similar game on Scratch 2.0 is easy. Making a similar game on Scratch 2.0 is easy. The video is going to show you how to control the spaceship through the keyboard, and create new invaders. Coding a Space Invaders Game in Kotlin This Kotlin beginner tutorial is an attempt to introduce readers with just a basic knowledge of Kotlin to game programming. Space Invaders is an all-time classic and my first experience of a video game outside of the home.

This is what it looks like at version 16.0:This window is still useful in that you can click on View Status/Diagnostic Options to get information you can’t get in the new License Management Center, primarily Display the License Status to see what licenses are in use and are available. The new location is (on Windows):C:Program FilesAnsys IncShared FilesLicensinglicensefilesThis means there is a new sub-folder named licensefiles that contains the license file(s). This information is also available to clients via the Client ANSLICADMIN Utility. Ansys old version. When you load a new license file, the License Management Center now automatically stops and starts the license manager so you shouldn’t have to do a reread after installing a new file, but just in case, it can still be done via the command line using these instructions:On Windows, open a command prompt and move to:C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensingwinx64Then issue the command:ansysliserver –k rereadThe same command works on Linux from the / ansysinc/sharedfiles/licensing/linx64 directory.Another important change is the location of the license files after they have been installed. You can start the ANSYS License Management Center from here too.One capability you won’t find in either utility is the ability to Reread the License Manager settings.

Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6Step 7Extension

Setting up the stage

Start a new project in Scratch and change the stage backdrop to the backdrop called “Stars”.

Download this game from Microsoft Store for Windows 10, Windows 8.1. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Space invaders - Retro games.

The Spaceship/Rocket Sprite

Next, we will delete the Cat sprite and create a new Rocket sprite:
We will also resize our Rocketship sprite to 35% of its original size:

The rocketship sprite has 5 costumes but costume 5 is bigger than the other 4 costumes, so we will delete costume 5:


Let’s start coding

Using the Rocketship sprite, let’s add some code.

First we will make sure the “Stars” backdrop is always displayed when the game starts:

Now let’s animate the Rocketship sprite:

Controlling the Rocket ship using the left and right arrow keys

The rocket ship is positioned at the bottom of the screen. The user should be able to slide the rocket ship horizontally to the left or the right using the arrow keys.

The Invader Sprite

Let’s add a new sprite using the “Gobo” sprite from the scratch library:

Space Invaders Game Online

We will then resize our invader sprite to 40% of its original size:

Let’s add some code to our invader sprite to position and animate the sprite:

Now let’s add some code to make the invader move across the screen. Everytime the sprite reach the edge, it should drop down closer to the rocket ship and change direction (left/right movement).

Adding a Game Over Screen

The games ends when an invader hits the rocket. To implement this we will first need design a Game Over screen/backdrop:

Then we will add some code to our Invader sprite to detect when the invader is touching the rocket ship.

Adding a laser beam sprite

To add a laser beam, we will paint a new sprite:

Firing the laser beam

The following code will let the user fire a laser beam by pressing the space bar. The laser beam will always be launched from the rocket ship current position:

Adding a score variable

Let’s make a new variable called score. We will use this variable to score 1 point when the laser beam hits an invader. To do so we will need to go to the variable section:
Then you will click on the “Make a Variable button”.

Scratch Space Invaders Game Online

Give a name to your variable: score and tick the option “For all sprites”
Make sure your variable is visible (Tick the checkbox next to the variable itself):
Using our Rocket ship sprite we will edit our code as follows to reset the score to 0 when the game starts:

Then we will add some code to our invader sprite:
How to use a keygen.

Let’s add some more invaders

We will duplicate our invader sprite 10 times:

Scratch Game Tutorial Space Invaders

All we have to do now is re-position each invader sprite one at a time by changing their x and y coordinates in the code:

We now have a fully working game!

Space Invaders

Extension Task

Add a “Level Complete!” screen that appears when the user scores 10 points (All invaders have been destroyed!).

Space Invaders On Scratch Tutorial

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Space Invaders Game

Tagged with: Scratch