Md5 Mac Terminal

  1. Md5 Mac Os X Terminal
  2. Generate Md5 Mac Terminal
  3. Md5sum Mac Terminal
  4. Md5 Mac Terminal 4

In order to ensure the integrity of the files that you download to your computer, some websites give you a checksum of the file that you download to your computer. What you need to do is to compare the checksum given on the website with the local checksum that you generate on your computer. If both match, your file was downloaded without any issues, and it is the exact file that the website sent to your computer and not a modified one.

While the website that serves you with the checksum may have their own tools to generate checksums, what would you as a general user do to check the checksum of a file on your machine? While we have already covered checking the checksum on Linux and Windows, here is a method for the users who use an Apple Mac.

Mac users can use the built-in Terminal app to check a file’s checksum which means no third-party app download is required. Once it shows you the checksum for your file, you can then go ahead and compare it with the one that the source website has given you to find out if it was modified or corrupted in the process.

How do I get the MD5 hash of a string directly from the terminal? For example, I want the string abcdefg hashed. Currently the md5sum command only accepts a filename as input.

Here’s how it works:

Md5 Mac Terminal
  • You can easily verify or check MD5 sum of a file on Windows, MacOS, Linux and Android using WinMD5Free tool for Windows, HashTab for Mac, terminal command on Linux, and apps for Android.
  • Generate MD5 Checksum. If you’re verifying the md5 of an iso file, go with the below command on the terminal of your Mac. Md5 file.iso. If your file is in a different folder, run the below command. Md5 /path/to/file. So if your dmg file is in the Documents folder,the command would be as follows: md5 /Documents/mydownload.dmg.
  • Mac OS X: how to generate md5 sha1 sha256 checksums from command line Running shasum is often the quickest way to compute SHA message digests. The user simply feeds data to the script through files or standard input, and then collects the results from standard output.
  • Mac OS X: how to generate md5 sha1 sha256 checksums from command line Running shasum is often the quickest way to compute SHA message digests. The user simply feeds data to the script through files or standard input, and then collects the results from standard output.

Checking a File’s Checksum

Ensure that you have downloaded a file to your Mac for which you would like to see the checksum.

In the below example I have downloaded the WinMD5 Free tool and would like to check the checksum to see if it matches with the one given on its website.

1. Click on Launchpad in your dock, search for and click on Terminal, and it will launch for you.

Md5 Mac Os X Terminal

2. When Terminal launches, type in the following command:

Then press Space on your keyboard, type the full path to the file and press Enter. You can also drag and drop the file into the Terminal window, and the full path will automatically appear.

The resulting command should look like the following:

3. As soon as you press Enter, Terminal should compute the checksum for the given file and show it in its window. The highlighted text string that you see in the following screenshot is the checksum for your file.

4. Now, compare the computed local checksum with the one given on the website. If both are the same, your file has not been modified, and it is exactly the same file.

This way you can compute checksums for as many files as you download to your computer in order to ensure that no interruptions have been made while you were downloading the files to your computer.


If you are concerned about the integrity of important files that you have downloaded to your Mac, you can use the above method to find out if they are the exact and unmodified files that were sent to you.

Active7 months ago

How do I get the MD5 hash of a string directly from the terminal?

For example, I want the string abcdefg hashed. Currently the md5sum command only accepts a filename as input. I want to simply enter the following line and everything be done with.

How can I achieve that?

Peter Mortensen
1,0252 gold badges11 silver badges17 bronze badges
Hamed MomeniHamed Momeni
1,2988 gold badges16 silver badges28 bronze badges

8 Answers

You can also say something like this :

It basically does the same thing as described by @enzotib, but is perhaps a bit simpler.

9,93813 gold badges32 silver badges74 bronze badges
4,4213 gold badges21 silver badges26 bronze badges

Very simple, it accepts stdin, so

To avoid the trailing newline added by the shell:

69.6k10 gold badges142 silver badges159 bronze badges

you can create a shell script.

For example,the script name is

permission execute:


If your system is macOS. You need to modify this script:


Running md5sum with no arguments at all will cause it to read input from the terminal. Type or paste whatever you want, and when you are done, press ctrl-d to end the input.

32.2k1 gold badge53 silver badges93 bronze badges
David Foerster
29.4k13 gold badges70 silver badges116 bronze badges

My quick poke at the --help for md5sum demonstrates that the command:

will then give a prompt for simple input. Inputting some text and then using Enter and then Ctrl+D to signify end of file then causes md5sum to spit out the MD5 of the raw text you entered (including that Enter, it's a CR, IIRC).

Less to type and no piping! And avoiding your plaintext password being recorded in shell history! Woo!

If you do not want that trailing CR (which is usually the case if you want to hash a password), don't hit Enter before Ctrl+D, enter Ctrl+D twice instead.


In my scripts I found that there are 2 things that you should know about this issue.

  • It does not matter if you do echo '$myvariable' or echo -n '$myvariable'but you should always use the doubleqoutes for strings and always use the same method. if not things won't match.
  • in the output you get always a trailing space and a dash as shown in the example:

to get rid of that and stay only with the code 7803ffcaea43bb81a439fde13b29bc35, do: echo '$myvariable' md5sum cut -d' ' -f1

Bodo Hugo BarwichBodo Hugo Barwich

There are many examples to do this, but some of them are not equivalent because some of them explicitly or implicitly include the newline, and some others do not.

I would like to clearly specify which of the popular methods includes the newline and which are not.

Here are some examples along to calculating the md5 hash WITHOUT trailing newline (CORRECT):Windows 7 enterprise activation script.

Generate Md5 Mac Terminal

Using a file with text:

Note:-n in echo means: 'do not output the trailing newline'.

Using echo with -n inline:

Md5sum Mac Terminal

Using printf: Play stick cricket games online.

Using only md5sum command:

(Let's write md5sum, press Enter then write string test and then press double combination Ctrl+d)

Using md5sum - command:

(Let's write md5sum -, press Enter then write string test and then press double combination Ctrl+d)

Here are some examples along to calculating the md5 hash WITH trailing newline (SO NOT CORRECT):

Using a file with text:

Using echo WITHOUT -n inline:

Using here strings:

Using only md5sum command but with Enter key after writing the text:

(Let's write md5sum, press Enter then write string test and then press agaien Enter and once combination Ctrl+d)

Using md5sum - command but with Enter key after writing the text:

(Let's write md5sum -, press Enter then write string test and then press agaien Enter and once combination Ctrl+d)


protected by heemaylFeb 3 '16 at 13:36

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